
Prairie Dogs Make Perfect Pets- How to Care for Your New Companion




Have you been considering a new pet for your home but want something a bit more exotic than a typical cat or dog? Look no further than the prairie dog, a fascinating burrowing rodent that can make an engaging and charismatic companion animal. As social creatures that form close-knit family groups, prairie dogs can bond very closely with their human owners and show genuine affection and even excitement when you enter a room. However, prairie dogs do require daily interaction and mental stimulation, or they can become bored, depressed, and even ill. If you provide your prairie dog with a spacious cage, a stimulating environment, a healthy diet, and plenty of playtime and interaction, you’ll have a happy, energetic prairie dog companion for many years to come.


Choosing a Prairie Dog: Breeds, Temperament, and Finding a Reputable Breeder

When selecting a prairie dog as a companion animal, it is crucial to obtain one from a reputable breeder. Responsible breeders will handle prairie dogs from an early age to socialize them and will be able to speak to the individual temperament and personality of each animal. Prairie dogs are intelligent, social creatures that require daily interaction and mental stimulation. Some breeds, such as the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, tend to be more energetic and playful, while others, like the White-Tailed Prairie Dog, are often described as more docile and easygoing.

Discussing the lineage and parents’ temperaments with a breeder can help determine if a particular prairie dog will suit your lifestyle. Prairie dogs can live up to 10 years, so obtaining one that matches your level of experience and expectations will lead to a long, rewarding relationship. When visiting a breeder, look for signs that the facility is clean, spacious, and enriched. Healthy, well-socialized prairie dogs should be active and inquisitive and show no signs of distress or aggression.



Preparing Your Home: Habitat, Diet, Enrichment, and Handling

To properly care for your new prairie dog companion, you must prepare an appropriate habitat, diet, enrichment activities, and learn safe handling techniques.


Prairie dogs are burrowing animals and need a large cage with plenty of bedding material they can dig in, such as aspen shavings. Provide multiple hiding spots, tunnels, and nesting areas. A secure mesh or wire lid is essential, as prairie dogs can jump high and climb well. Place the enclosure in a spot sheltered from extreme heat, cold, and drafts.


Feed your prairie dog a diet of high-quality pelleted food as the main part of its diet, along with limited amounts of approved veggies, fruits, and Timothy hay. Always have fresh, clean water available. Limit treats to no more than 10% of total food to avoid obesity and health issues.

Enrichment and Handling

Prairie dogs are intelligent and social animals that need mental stimulation. Provide toys that encourage foraging and problem-solving, such as puzzle feeders, tunnels, and chew toys. Spend at least an hour a day interacting with and handling your prairie dog gently and patiently to help socialize them. Never grab a prairie dog suddenly, and always support their whole body. With regular interaction, your prairie dog can become quite tame and bond very closely with their human companions.



Prairie Dog Care Guide: Grooming, Health, Training, and Bonding With Your New Pet

Grooming Your Prairie Dog

To keep your prairie dogs clean and healthy, regularly grooming them is important. Brush your prairie dog two to three times a week to remove loose hair and distribute natural oils. Use a soft-bristled brush or comb and gently brush in the direction of the fur. Trim your prairie dog’s nails if they get too long, being very careful not to cut them quickly, which contain blood vessels and nerves. Bathing should only be done when necessary, using a mild shampoo and warm water. Their skin can dry out easily, so limit bathing to once a month at most.

Health Concerns and Veterinary Care

Prairie dogs can be susceptible to certain health issues, so high-quality veterinary care is essential. Take your prairie dog for routine checkups with an exotic vet, especially when you first bring them home. Watch for signs of illness like lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, or respiratory issues, and consult your vet right away if you notice any symptoms. Some common health problems in prairie dogs include:

  • Dental disease: Regular teeth trimming by a vet can help prevent problems.
  • Gastrointestinal blockages: limit access to fabric, bedding, and other ingestible materials.
  • Respiratory infections: Keep living space well-ventilated and avoid drafts. Antibiotic treatment may be required.

Bonding and Training

Prairie dogs can make very social and interactive pets but they require daily interaction and mental stimulation. Spend at least an hour a day handling and playing Offer treats and praise to help form a close bond built on trust and positive reinforcement. You can teach your prairie dog simple commands and tricks using patience and small food rewards. Give your prairie dog opportunities to exercise outside their enclosure daily in a secure space. Puzzle toys and tubes also provide mental exercise when you’re not interacting directly. Consistency, patience, and kindness are key to forming a lifelong friendship with your prairie dog.



As you welcome your new prairie dog companion into your home, be prepared to provide the love, attention, and quality care this social creature deserves. While prairie dogs can make entertaining and personable pets, they are not low-maintenance. With the proper diet, housing, enrichment, and veterinary care, a prairie dog can live up to 10 years and provide you with a rewarding long-term relationship. However, they are a long-term commitment that requires time, money, and dedication. If you are willing to put in the necessary effort to keep your prairie dog healthy and happy, you’ll have a playful, affectionate pet that can bring you years of joy and laughter. The rewards of caring for such a charming animal far outweigh the responsibilities. Prairie dogs may be unconventional, but for the right owner, they can make the perfect lifelong pet.


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